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  • Instructions to buy “monthly subscription”

    If you already have an active plan linked to your mail, and you buy one or more units of the same type of plan, the days until your plan expires will increase equal to (number of units) * 30 days, and your Whalert API will not change.
    However, if you have an active plan linked to your email and you purchase a plan of a different type than your current plan, it will be removed and any remaining days will be forfeited and your new plan and days will be credited to your account and you will receive a new API Whalert.

  • Instructions to buy “pay as you go”

    You can purchase any amount of balance “Pay as you go” and this amount will be credited to your account.
    If you already have your “Pay as you go” plan and want to top up more balance for your alerts, you can buy back with the same email you used for the first time and these funds will be credited to your account and you API Whalert will not change.